Holiday shopping habits get demystified via mobile marketing
It is a known fact that during the holiday mobile shopping season demand gets higher and any useful help about how to reach the masses is always welcome. Blue Chip Marketing has created an interactive infographic which highlights the impact of powerful mobile marketing website usage during the biggest mobile shopping season of the year.
This kind of infographic data can be helpful for companies to approach consumers in the right way, by crafting mobile marketing campaigns that will work. The infographic depicts intriguing statistics which show that location, time of day and even weather can have an impact on shopping, and also knowing that 74% of shoppers use a shopping list can be very useful.
According to Blue Chip, more than 50% of consumers are using a mobile shopping app weekly and 62% of “typical shoppers” say that their purchases have been influenced by mobile advertising website. So be sure to use it properly.

the ideal time and place at which consumers of a product or service are most receptive to an advertising message.
Reference Source: Branding Magzine